Candidates must meet all conditions and criteria for Board membership as stipulated in the relevant laws, regulations, and the Policy, Standards, and Procedures for Board Membership approved by the company’s General Assembly (attached). These include the following:
1. Each shareholder has the right to nominate themselves or another individual(s) for Board membership.
2. Submission of a signed Board Membership Nomination Application Form (attached), along with a clear copy of the candidate’s national ID card (or residence permit/passport for non-Saudis).
3. A brief resume of the candidate, detailing their qualifications and professional experience.
4. Completion and signing of Form (3), the Candidate CV Template for Board Membership in Listed Companies (attached and available on the Capital Market Authority’s website).
5. Submission of signed copies of Form (1), the Candidate CV Template, in both Arabic and English (attached).
6. Candidates who have previously served on the board of a listed company must provide a statement listing the number and dates of boards they currently or previously served on.
7. Candidates must not simultaneously serve as a board member in more than five listed companies in the Saudi financial market.
8. Candidates must disclose to the Board and the General Assembly any conflicts of interest, as per the procedures established by the authority, including:
a. Any direct or indirect interest in the company’s transactions or contracts.
b. Participation in any business that competes with the company or its activities.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will review all submitted applications. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Voting at the General Assembly will be limited to candidates who have fulfilled the requirements and criteria specified in this announcement.
Best Regards,